IX | 1:Determination and Rights of Members | Residents who reside in the Westwood neighborhood are automatic members of the Westwood Neighborhood Collaborative Network. |
IX | 2:Dues | Dues will be $1.00 per meeting per person or $7.00 for the entire year per person on a voluntary base. Dues MI be used to purchase items needed to support the Westwood Collaborative Network in the form of printing of the newsletter/agendas and other printed items needed, including stamps, cards and education activities in the form of conferences and seminars |
X | 1:Place of Meetings | Meetings shall be held within the Westwood community and shall last for one hour and half or less with a planned agenda. |
X | 2:Regular Meetings | Meetings shall be held the third (3`) Thursday of each month at 6:00pm-7:30pm from April through October. No meetings will be held during the months of November through March due to the weather unless a special meeting is called within a timely manner. |
X | 3:Membership Action | All issues will be addressed by defining, accessing and resolving in a methodical manner. EIN#32-0248525 |
X | 4:Quorum | A quorum shall consist of one-third 11/3) of the membership, however, business may be conducted with less than a quorum. In those instances when there is less than a quorum, the members present will act as a committee, which will present recommendations when a quorum has assembled |
X | 5:Voting Rights | Voting membership shall consist of all neighbors who reside within the Westwood Collaborative Network boundaries. |